15th Annual Chamber Night Golf Outing
Friday, August 9, 2024 (4:00 PM - 11:00 PM) (EDT)
Join us for the 15th Annual Night Golf Outing at the Pickaway County Club!
Friday, August 9, 2024
Registration: 4:00pm / Shotgun Start: 5:00pm
Pickaway Country Club - 1399 Stoutsville Pike, Circleville
Registration includes green fees, cart, dinner and two beer/seltzer tickets per person. The last 9 holes will be played in the dark, but we'll provide you with glow sticks and 2 lighted golf balls.
New This Year
Join our Clubhouse Team and enjoy dinner, drinks, fun & games
Marshmallow Drive & Ball Drop Contest
* Rain Date: Friday, August 16

Registration Required
Foursome - $400
Individual - $100
Clubhouse Team - $30 per person
Sponsorship Opportunities (do not include event registration fees)
Eagle Sponsor - $400 - premiere signage at registration, verbal recognition & on event banner
Beverage Cart Sponsor - $300 - signage on cart & event banner
Dinner Sponsor - $300 - signage at dinner & name on event banner
Clubhouse Sponsor - $250 - signage in the Clubhouse, verbal recognition during Clubhouse activities & name on event banner
Hole/Green Sponsor - $100 - sponsor name on hole/green sign
Skill Prize Sponsor / Longest Drive - $75
Skill Prize Sponsor / Longest Putt - $75
Skill Prize Sponsor / Closest to the Pin - $75
Deadline to register is July 29, 2024.
Night Golf is limited to 20 teams. To guarantee your spot, please pay via credit card.
1399 Stoutsville Pike
Circleville, OH 43113 United States
Sign Up: 4:00pm
Shotgun Start: 5:00pm